People have been fishing almost since the beginning of time, with many communities depending on it to survive. Although unclear, of the exact point in history when recreational fishing started, with the publication of “The Compleat Angler” in 1653, recreational fishing had arrived. However, catch and release fishing is a relatively new practice.
Through the early to mid 1900s, Lee Wulff, author, lecturer, artist, and filmmaker was the earliest and one of the most prominent advocates for catch and release fishing. After witnessing the population of the North American Atlantic Salmon decrease, he pushed for others to break down the social barrier of catch and release fishing. During this time period, most fish that were caught were kept according to the several books. It states "some strings of bass that have made a man grunt to get them off the ground", including several fish over five pounds.
Wulff was a part of organizations such as the Anglers Club and the Federation of Fly Fishermen (FFF). He also wrote a book, “Handbook to Freshwater Fishing” published in 1939 to promote the conservation of the Atlantic Salmon.
“The finest gift you can give to any fisherman is to put a good fish back, and who knows if the fish that you caught isn't someone else's gift to you?” -Lee Wulff, 1939.
Lee Wulff in 1943.

Lee Wulff's "Handbook of Freshwater Fishing"
Unfortunately, overfishing remained a problem nationwide as many anglers were hesitant to transition to catch and release. During the 1940s, Game and Fish biologists tried various techniques, including stocking hatchery raised fish. Biologists claimed the fishing yield was best when the existing fish consisted mainly of small, young fish that grew quickly. Until the late1940s and early 1950s biologists were not allowing fish populations to grow. At that time they thought a larger number of small fish was better than a smaller number of large fish.
“...the calculations of that time did not take into account the reproduction ability of fishes of different sizes and ages...” -Professor Robert Arlinghaus, Humboldt University of Berlin author of “Recreational Fisheries”.
Into the 1950’s and 1960’s, catch and release was becoming a common tool used as a management tactic for stocked fish, mainly trout. Many anglers had a tough time adapting to releasing fish instead of keeping them for food. The 1960s brought in a time of massive change in the sport fishing industry largely because of Ray Scott.
“In the late 1960's, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) enacted administrative rules creating development zones for recreational fishing throughout the Great Lakes…” Michigan Department of Natural Resources.

Lee Wulff releasing a fish. 1986.